Soon after, the ECB reiterated that it would not be backing the fund and that it would be transferring bond buying duties to the EFSF in short order. 此后不久,欧洲央行重申不会作为EFSF的后盾,而且购买债券的职责也将很快移交给EFSF。
A hedge fund could float a story that apple is thinking of buying Saturn in order to develop a new brand of Apple cars and people would go nuts 哪怕对冲基金随便杜撰一个故事,例如,为了研发新款苹果轿车,苹果正谋划并购土星(Saturn)汽车,人们也会陷入疯狂
The ECB is currently split politically over whether to continue buying sovereign debt of struggling European nations in order to keep interest rates at reasonable levels. 就是否继续购买境况不佳的欧洲国家的主权债券,以将其收益率维持在合理水平,欧洲央行目前陷入了政治分歧。
The CEO is buying out his company for$ 1.2 billion in order to implement a turnaround away from the pressures of the public market. 这位首席执行官斥资120亿美元全面收购这家公司的股份是为了在不受股市压力影响的情况下扭转它的经营状况。
A common trap in buying package software is to misunderstand exactly how long it will take to morph it into your business process; most companies misjudge this by an order of magnitude. 在购买数据包软件时常见的一个陷阱就是错误估计其适应您的业务流程所需的准确时间;大部分公司都把这个时间错估了一个数量级。
Such an arrangement differs from Chinese firms buying out Western companies in order to access technological expertise. 这种协议与中国公司为了获得专业技术而收购西方企业不同。
The purchase of these islands will be Japanese buying Japanese land in order to protect it. 买下这些岛屿的行为,是日本人为保护日本国土而购买日本的土地。
Over time Wal-Mart should be able to centralise buying and order huge volumes for lots of stores instead of each hypermarket managing its own orders. 假以时日,沃尔玛应该能够集中采购货品,并为众多商店下大额订单,而不是由每家大型超市管理自己的订单。
Avoid buying a child seat by mail order, unless you are sure that it will fit your car. 避免通过邮购购买儿童座椅,除非你确保它适合你的车。
Other techniques employed include buying securities in weak markets and selling into strength in order to further limit transaction costs. 其它应用到的技术包括:在市场疲软时买进证券而在市场强劲时卖出证券,这样可以进一步地限制交易成本。
It has the functions of the authorization management, buying contracts and products return processing, and order tracking. 具有权限管理、采购合同、退货单及查询等功能。
Communicate and negotiate with vendor for buying contract, order preparation and follow up issue. 就采购合同,定单准备及跟单方面与供应商全面沟通联系和谈判。
Buying stock is in order to roll money. 人们买股票是为了赚钱。
On the one hand, it has destroyed normal medical buying and selling order seriously, and has led to manufacture of false medicinal and forge medical appliances. 一方面,这种现象严重破坏了正常的医药购销秩序,导致假药、伪劣器械层出不穷;
Generally speaking, the non-volume-related activities consist of many supporting activities such as materials handling, set-ups, production scheduling, buying or selling order filling, and etc. 一般说来,与数量不相关的作业包括像材料处理、生产准备、生产计划、购销定单的填制等支持性作业。
This often involves the buying agent providing the seller with a net asset value statement from the prospective buyer in order to have a look around the house. 为了让买家实地查看房子,通常还需要买方代理给卖家提供其资产净值凭据。
It means buying foreign technology while maintaining control, stability and law and order. 它意味着购买外国技术,同时保持控制、稳定、法律和秩序。
Its unconventional crisis-fighting operations have been fairly cautious, consisting largely of buying short-term bonds from the banks in order to increase liquidity. 该行为应对危机而采取的非常规操作相当谨慎,以从银行购入短期债券来增加流动性为主。
Buying expensive services and products in order to flaunt your wealth. 购买昂贵的服务和商品以炫耀自己的财富。
Whether you're buying as an investor or plan to live in the property, you'll need a7-to10-year plan in order to make sure you won't lose money after factoring in the costs of sale. 无论你买房是当作投资还是自己住,在把销售成本考虑在内后,为了确保不亏本,你需要一个7到10年的计划。
Please arrange the factors that affect your buying decision on instant noodles in descending order. 请选出以下最影响你购买即食面的因素。
Next month our neighBorhood service centre will Begin to provide the service of Buying agent for mail order. 你可以从花园中心购买玫瑰,或者通过邮购的方式。
Via analyzing the way of selling with bidding, auction or showing, then forecasting the land price in the way of market approach, income approach and assumption approach, and put forward the corresponding buying strategies in order to realize controlling the land cost. 然后对招拍挂出让方式和工作流程进行分析,运用市场比较法、收益法、假设开发法对土地价格进行综合预测,并提出相应的土地竞买策略,以实现对土地成本的控制。
Sequential pattern discovery is used in analysis of buying action with time relation in order to reveal the sequential information behind. 将时间序列模式既用于具有时间关系的购买行为的分析,以揭示购买行为后面一种序列关系信息,又用于其他有时间关联的事件分析。
Group buying means that in order to obtain certain goods at a discount price, multiple consumers cooperate with each other in forming a coalition and acting as one when doing shopping. 群组购买是指多个消费者在交易中合作,形成联盟进行批量的购买,以使销售商进行折扣销售,从而获得折扣。
Decision-making analysis on buying house based on improved Technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution 基于改进的理想解法的购房决策分析
Regarding of the buying regulation in Korea, in order to protect shareholders 'and investors' legal rights, Korea should refer to Chinese regulation on buying law. 在韩国要约收购规范方面,为了保护中小股东和投资者的合法权益,需要借鉴在中国要约收购规制法律上的事前申报制度和专家聘请制度。
In the end, this article will choose two different types of group buying websites to analyze their operational mechanism in order to explore how do they use the consumer network. 最后,选取了两个不同类型的团购网站对其运行机理进行分析,并探索网站在运行过程中如何利用消费者网络的。
The nature of time buying strategy is a kind of fiscal opportunism behavior. Under the constraint of fiscal strength weakening, the government inclined to accumulate excessive implicit and contingent liabilities in order to put off the timing of fiscal payment. 时间赎买策略的本质是一种财政机会主义的行为,政府在转型初期财政能力弱化的约束下,以大最积累隐性、或有负债的形式来尽量推延财政支付的时限。